Monday, September 28, 2009

Our baby's a little girl

Well, we've made it through the first year, and couldn't be happier. It's true, what everyone says. Time really does fly by. The first six months were a complete blur, mostly because we were sleep-deprived at all times. And the last six months have been consumed by Mac learning one thing after another. It's amazing how quickly she's gone from being completely helpless to so independent. She's definitely become her own little person, with her own personality. We love her curiosity because she's willing to try anything, meet anyone, and go anywhere. It also means we can't leave her unattended for more than a few seconds, and even that's pushing it sometimes.
Happy Birthday, little girl!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mackenzie's walking?!

It's been awhile since my last post. But we've been keeping very busy. I'm working hard to finish everything that still needs to be done before graduation. Still on track for December. And Katie's been doing her best to transition to her career in sales. She's learning a lot, and doing great.

And I can't even begin to explain how quickly Mac is changing. She's a curious little girl (we love it) and gets into anything she can get her hands on. She's been crawling all over for the last few months. She's now abruptly transitioning to walking. It's only taken a few days to go from trying to walk, to non-stop toddling. I love watching her grow and develop and am looking forward to the new adventures to come.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

We've just completed our first holiday season with Mackenzie.  It has been great.  She's handled it very well, all things considered.  Some long days, and a few long nights.  

She's getting much better at separating day from night.  She's becoming a good nighttime sleeper.  She talks a lot, and smiles at everyone.  She's also learned that she can use her feet as toys.  She's got strong legs, and likes to stand (with a little help, of course).  

Thanks everyone, for making it a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration!