Monday, October 27, 2008

Mackenzie's Busy Day with the Doctors

Mackenzie had a couple of appointments today.  She got to see the pediatrician this morning.  She's now 10 lbs 1 oz and 22 inches long.  This afternoon she had a VCUG.  That test was to determine whether she had reflux from her bladder to her kidneys.  Good reflux.  She's doing great so far, and will have some more tests in the next few months.  

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

I was getting Mackenzie ready for bed tonight, and she decided to show off just how strong she is. Maybe it's not a big deal, but I still think it's very funny.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A New Life

Well, we've had Mackenzie at home for about two weeks, now. Things are going very well. We're both very tired (Katie especially) as expected. Mackenzie is eating often, putting on weight, and driving mom to exhaustion. She seems to become more aware every day. Her eyes focus a little more, and her movements are a little less sporadic. She's very calm, except when she's hungry. The dogs are curious of the new noisemaker in the house. But they've been very good with her.

We're very thankful for all the help we've received from family and friends. From the cleaning, to grocery shopping, to dinners, we appreciate it all. We're very lucky. Mackenzie will know how much she is loved. Thank you.