Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We're Home

We're finally home and relaxing with our Little Mac. She's had her first bath, and a couple of doctor's appointments. We also took her for a walk around the neighborhood, and she loved it. Each time we take her outside, she perks right up. She loves the great outdoors. The dogs are interested in her, sniffing all the time; they've been very good with her. The days and nights are long, but she's beautiful, healthy, and worth every second.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Zander's Here!

On Friday, September 26, Katie started having strong contractions. We made the trip to the hospital at about 8 pm. She received the epidural around 10 pm and labor went well from there. She started to push at 5:30 am and the baby came at 6:06 am on Saturday, September 27. Katie handled the labor very well; I'm very proud of her.

So, we've called the baby "Zander" for the past 9 months. For some reason, we expected a boy. But she's a beautiful baby girl with a head full of dark hair. And her name is Mackenzie. And we love her very much. She's doing great so far; very calm and a good eater. She loves to fling her hands around, even sucking on them when she's supposed to be eating. She has a cute cowlick on the front-right of her head. Long fingers and toes. She knows her mom's voice. And she even holds her head up. We're very proud.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

False Alarm

Well, we took an exploratory trip to the hospital this weekend. Katie was having regular contractions for a couple of hours, we called the doctor, and went in to get checked out. False alarm. But we'll be back there soon enough. I suppose we're being extra cautious because of Zander's kidneys.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Am So Type A

Since the middle of January, we've been looking forward to October 5. That's the day we're supposed to have a baby. But now that it's close (still close to a month away), we're so anxious we can't stand it. I can't speak for the wife, but my stomach is in knots. Her stomach is doing other things right now. Anyways, I'm just trying to be patient, waiting for the next doctor's appointment.

By the way, she's at 3 cm and 50% effaced.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Zander's Almost Ready

My wife is about 8 months pregnant. I'm going to be a dad...very soon. I'm anxious, nervous, excited, the list goes on. So far, the pregnancy has gone very well (from my side, anyways). I feel like we've done well to enjoy the journey, and made a lot of great memories along the way.

During one of our ultrasounds, though, the doctor noticed one of the baby's kidneys was dilated (called hydronephrosis). We've had a couple of follow-up ultrasounds, and it turns out it's not "fixing" itself. So, the baby will be checked soon after birth. We'll know more about the problem at that time.